In space, no one can hear you scream, but they definitely can if you’re sat in your living room playing Alien: Isolation and you see a tail slither around the side of your leg. This could be terrifying.
Our list of the best space games will calm you right down.
Alien: Isolation is already one of the most tense things you’ll ever play, but with the ability to peek around corners – and inside air vents – with your actual head, it could be taken to a whole other level.
Unofficial VR support for the first-person horror game already exists, but it’s said to have some issues. Despite this, anyone who’s played has said how effective it is at making you nearly soil yourself.
There was also a short demo created by Sega, but there’s been no word on official support for the entire game and it’s been out a while now. However, a new hope just appeared in an interview with president of Sega, Jurgen Post, in MCV.
“VR has caught the whole company’s attention,” Post says in the interview. “We have a lot of VR kits in the office and people are playing with it. We are exploring ways to release games. We’ve not announced anything, but we are very close to making an announcement.
“We did Alien: Isolation about three years ago on Oculus Rift, it was a demo that was bloody scary. To bring that back to VR would be a dream and dreams can come true.
“VR will take time, but we will start releasing some titles just to learn. It is a platform for the future.”