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Fall Guys team rounds minigames list

Learn which minigames are classed as Fall Guys team rounds, and how to play these matches to complete the Stadium Stars Squad Shows challenge

Fall Guys team rounds: A bean leaping in front of a pink rhino

Want to know what Fall Guys team rounds are? The party battle royale game is now free-to-play, and the Stadium Stars event is well underway. It comes with a set of challenges for you to complete and while most are straightforward and an excellent method to ease new players into this frantic game show, some are also quite tricky to complete.

One task especially is proving to be a bit of a pain for most players to complete – playing two Fall Guys team rounds. With just a handful of compatible games that count towards this challenge, some players report that it’s taking them several hours to get just one team round in Squads Show. Mercifully, you only need to play two team rounds, not win them, to be done with this painful challenge.


Unlike most minigames, Fall Guys team rounds split any remaining players into two, sometimes three teams. Each player gets a colour: red, blue, or yellow. Your objective is not to be the last-place team, be it hoarding as many eggs in your goal area as possible, scoring the most points, or finishing as quickly as possible.

Team rounds seldom appear as the first mini-game and never as the finale, so you may need to survive a few games before one occurs.

Fall Guys team rounds: A bean climbing a slope of pink slime


Here are all of the Fall Guys team rounds:

  • Basketball
  • Egg Siege
  • Egg Scramble
  • Fall Ball
  • Hoarders
  • Hoopsie Daisy
  • Jinxed
  • Rock ‘n’ Roll
  • Pegwin Pursuit
  • Snowy Scrap
  • Team Tail Tag


Sadly, there is no way to manipulate the odds of a team round appearing in Squad Shows. What’s particularly frustrating about the randomised chance of a team game appearing during Squads Shows is that only a few game types are available compared to non-team Rounds.

We hate to end on such a low note, but that’s everything you need to know about Fall Guys team rounds. While it’s otherwise the brightest and most unique battle royale out there, this challenge may put you in the mood for a game that’s similar in style, perhaps in a different genre. Check out our best games like Fall Guys list for some wonderfully chaotic alternatives you can play right now.