Want to know how to get all the Resident Evil 4 Remake unlockables? Much like any other Resident Evil game, completing the game for the first time gives you access to some awesome gear, but finishing in record time gives you access to more cool stuff. The Remake makes it harder to get much of the game-breaking stuff, changing the conditions compared to the original.
To make it so that you don’t have to go back to the main menu constantly to read up on the Resident Evil 4 Remakes unlockables and how to get them, we’ve compiled a list of everything you can get in one of the best PC games and what you need to do to get them. Many of these tasks require you to achieve the minimum Resident Evil 4 Remake S Rank requirements on multiple difficulty modes or complete Resident Evil 4 Remake achievements.

Resident Evil 4 Remake unlockables list
The list below excludes models and concept art as there are far too many to list, but has all of the weapons, modes, accessories, and costumes. Here are all the Resident Evil 4 Remake unlockables and what you need to do to get them:
- Professional Mode
- Infinite RPG
- Primal Knife
- Chicago Sweeper
- Handcannon
- Jacket (Leon)
- Shirt (Leon)
- Pinstripe (Leon)
- Jacket (Ashley)
- Jacketless (Ashley)
- Suit of Armour (Ashley)
- Gas Mask
- Wolf Tail
- Deer Antlers
- Chicken Hat
- Cat Ears
- Glasses (Lexington)
- Sunglasses (Frameless)
- Sunglasses (Round)
- Face Guard
- Skull Mask
- Foam Mask
- Eye Patch
- Flight Cap
- Glasses (Square)
- Iron Helmet
- Knitted Hat
- Glasses (Round)
- Flight Helmet
- Surgical Mask
At this point, there is only one available mode after finishing the game for the first time. This might change now that we know Resident Evil 4 Remake Mercenaries mode is coming in the near future.
- Professional Mode – complete the game.
These game-breaking weapons require you to fulfil some conditions before you can unlock them. These are different from the likes of the Red9 and CQBR Assault Rifle, which you can find in the campaign, as these ones can be upgraded to the point where you can get infinite ammo. Here are all of the unlockable bonus weapons:
- Infinite RPG – complete the game, then on new game plus, it’s available at the Merchant for 2,000,000 Pesetas.
- Primal Knife – destroy all 16 Clockwork Castellans. Available for 1,000 CP in the Extra Content shop.
- Chicago Sweeper – finish the game on Professional Mode with an A Rank (under seven hours). Available for 1,000 CP in the Extra Content shop.
- Handcannon – complete a new game in the main story on Professional mode without using bonus weapons. Available for 1,000 CP in the Extra Content shop.
All costumes are available for between 500 CP and 2,000 CP in the Extra Content shop, but require you to meet certain requirements first. Here are all of the conditions to get the extra costumes:
- Jacket (Leon) – clear a specific chapter.
- Shirt (Leon) – clear a specific chapter.
- Pinstripe (Leon) – complete the game, then buy from the Extra Content shop for 2,000 CP.
- Jacket (Ashley) – clear a specific chapter.
- Jacketless (Ashley) – clear a specific chapter.
- Suit of Armour (Ashley) – complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher with an A rank (prevents damage or kidnapping on Ashley).
All accessories are available for between 500 CP and 2,000 CP in the Extra Content shop, but require you to meet certain conditions before you can purchase them. Here are all those conditions to unlock Accessories in the Extra Content shop:
- Gas Mask – finish the game on Professional Mode (enables Aim Assist in all modes).
- Wolf Tail – finish the game on Assisted Mode with an S Rank (increases melee damage).
- Deer Antlers – finish the game on Standard Mode with an S Rank (increases knife damage).
- Chicken Hat – finish the game on Hardcore Mode with an S Rank (reduces incoming damage).
- Cat Ears – finish the game on Professional Mode with an S+ Rank (infinite ammo for non-RPG weapons).
- Glasses (Lexington) – clear a specific chapter.
- Sunglasses (Frameless) – clear a specific chapter.
- Sunglasses (Round) – complete the game on Standard mode or higher.
- Face Guard – clear a specific chapter.
- Skull Mask – clear a specific chapter.
- Foam Mask – complete the game on Standard mode or higher.
- Eye Patch – clear a specific chapter.
- Flight Cap – complete the game on Standard mode or higher.
- Sunglasses (Cat Eye) – clear a specific chapter.
- Glasses (Square) – complete the game on Standard mode or higher with an A rank.
- Iron Helmet – complete the game on Standard mode or higher with an A rank.
- Knitted Hat – complete the game on Standard mode or higher with an A rank.
- Glasses (Round) – complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher.
- Flight Helmet – complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher.
- Surgical Mask – complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher.
All of the models are available for between 100 and 500 CP. You can normally get them by picking them up or encountering them in the game world. The exceptions are models based on the costumes you can unlock, which require the same conditions to unlock their corresponding model.
Concept Art
These range from 300 CP for main character portraits to 100 CP for everything else. There is no special unlock condition for all of them outside of completing the game.
And those are all of the Resident Evil 4 Remake unlockables. As one of the best horror games in recent years, we have plenty of other guides to help you get started, including a list of all the Resident Evil 4 Remake bosses. We also have a list of the Resident Evil 4 Remake cast if you find yourself recognising some of the voices and want to know who they are, and some clever clogs have already begun making some fantastic Resident Evil 4 Remake mods to add new features, such as the ability to play as Keanu Reeves.